Corruption vs. Nationalism Nation

Corruption vs. Nationalism Nation
Nationalism is an ideology or doctrine that creates and maintains the sovereignty of a country to realize the concept of a common identity for a group of people where the language and culture become elements of a binder in social interaction. Fastener elements gives rise to awareness of the nationalist community / people of Indonesia when dealing with the outside environment are disturbing.

In the history of Indonesia in particular, nationalism is still very important to its existence, first, for example, as a unifying ideology for the Dutch against the invaders, or Japan, or in the fight against the hegemony of neo-kolonilalisme. First, if the people in this scattered archipelago continues, there is no unifying ideology, and certainly the Dutch easily overwhelm us. Very likely the people in the archipelago just fight each other alone. Moreover, when the Dutch politics would provoke hostility and pumped continuous conflicts. Second, as a consequence, when the people in the archipelago had managed to liberate himself, at least nationalism as an ideological discourse to evoke the spirit of complete independence of Indonesia. although this kind of nationalism sometimes misinterpreted, by reason of Indonesian nationalism, we saved a tendency hostile to other nations.

But, the positive side of many, as the new nation found itself, we try to stay compact so many conflicts that may threaten the unity of Indonesia can be addressed on behalf of Indonesian nationalism. Third, at least nationalism can be used to provide the identity of Indonesian-ness, so that Indonesia was in the world. However, what is recorded with the world of Indonesian nationalism. Probably not much. At that time, regardless of the construction of Orientalism, people are more familiar with Indonesia as a nation are quite friendly, backward and poor country, a country that has a language of unity of Indonesia, which handle more than 600-the local languages ​​which still survive to this day.

Indonesia distant days our country has launched a range of understanding of the concept of nationalism in the Archipelago who poured in a single entity: Ideology, Politics, Economic, Social, Cultural, Religious, National Security and Defense). As a consequence every citizen of Indonesia, especially when he was nominated as a leader within the existing power structure would have to have the Archipelago where the question must have an absolute obligation to participate in maintaining the territorial integrity of Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke, as outlined in the concept IPOLEKSOSBUDAGHANKAMNAS.

Now this from observations of the experts can not be denied, our nation's sense of nationalism is very thin, even threatened with extinction. What emerged is a bond primordialism, which is oriented on tribal ties, regional, religious and / or between groups.

History proves, over the last 30 years Indonesia clutched by a model of authoritarian power, the so-called New Order regime. As a result, many problems dislike and discontent bubbling under the surface. The most notable moment was the death of democracy, menjamurkan corruption, the absence of a just law, and so on. Due to the condition of the stretcher, the potential cracks turned into a ticking time bomb. Many people try to mobilize religion, or ethnicity, or even brought the discourse of the world such as democracy and universal justice to consolidate resistance. With a hasty and sloppy, the regime of complete resistance by force open or hidden. We know, at that time the military was powerful and frightening. Does the military do that by holding the spirit of Indonesian nationalism. However, the most effective strategy to counteract the resistance that the New Order government to control and exploit nationalism menek potentially devastating and even state governments. In this case nationalism must be constructed in such a way is oriented on how to maintain pluralism (Unity in Diversity) in order disappointments that occur in local-local can be broken.

Indonesian nationalism put forward to hold to the ethnic nationalism, or nationalism, religion, or geographical nationalism did not develop into a force yangal Ika) Country Indonesia in the notion of the archipelago, which accommodate a global dependency.

But even then very difficult kind of nationalism is built if the social system, legal system and government system has been contaminated with corrupt culture that can not be prevented. During the New Order political system or power structure has allowed the prevalence of massive corruption in all areas.

Corruption is "entrenched" This had constructed severe damage even to the lower layers of cultural behavior of people who view corruption as part of the social system, politics, economics, law and government. Although the legislation Corruption Eradication from Jo Law No.31 of 1999. Law No.20 of 2001 which in its consideration has been asserted that "the result of corruption that occurred during this financial harm than the state or state economy, also menghabat growth and sustainability of national development that demands high efficiency". Corruption is not just financial ruin and the country's economy, but destroy all the joints of the affected communities, nations and sovereign state.

Welcoming the oath of October 28, 2010 is youth, we need a new ideology of nationalism or ideology to nationalism-II, where this new nationalism is really oriented on:

1). schools of national unity, because there can be no unity if the people we are not able to become a different person with another person or unable to resolve the difference;

2). The founding of the attitude with how corruption should be completely eradicated as contrary to national development in all sectors; and

3). The founding of the attitude of each citizen of Indonesia on the necessity of maintaining the integrity of the nation and country who understand insights Indonesian archipelago as a whole that the integral of: Ideology, economic, political, social, cultural, religious, national defense and security.

Nationalism will never be owned by a Corruptors, because Corruptors are parasites that afflict the country people's lives and bankrupting the country to be destroyed. From the beginning we both know that the main causes of corruption are:

1) The element of "stimulation" is associated with a lower case of faith and piety are owned by the organizers of the state and other parties involved employed under the State finance;

2) The element of "chance", it is associated with a lower element of "Control" in the management of public finance management;

People might not want to corruption if he is not aroused and there is no chance for it. Obsession corruption due course:

1. Lifestyle that is happy to show off;
2. Feeling much money people would be appreciated;
3. To finance the project seek power;
4. For the cost of the already high social prestige;
5. For venture capital as a guarantee of old age;
6. Forced to finance the urgent basic needs, such as school fees, medical expenses the family is ill;

Indonesian society that embraces market economics and neo-liberalism can not avoid the spread of lavish lifestyles that require high cost, while the incomes and purchasing power is low, then it can not avoid the stimulus for corruption, especially Iman and Taqwa, the majority of our society is very doubtful. Now would be eradicated from which O petinggi2 government elites and political elites in this country ...???!!