Law Enforcement Accountability

Law Enforcement Accountability
Accountable law enforcement can be interpreted as an implementation effort of law enforcement that can be accountable to the community, nation and state concerning or relating to legal certainty in the legal system, law and justice for the benefit of society. Nor the law enforcement process can be separated by the legal system itself. Being the legal system can be interpreted is part of the process / stages that are interdependent to be done or executed and obeyed by Law Enforcement and Society that led to the establishment of legal certainty.

If someone is arrested, which is in the power of goods seized for allegedly has something to do with the crime, the legal process is not running not even complete, rampant violations of the Criminal Procedure Code, is one proof of the lack of accountability of law enforcement in this country. The steps to build an accountable law enforcement system for the foreseeable future we can point out, among others:

1). The need for improvement or update and complement the law and existing legislation; 2) Improve the quality of Human Resources (HR) Law Enforcement both in terms of morality and intellect, because not a few law enforcement that exists today, does not understand well the legal idealism are being upheld; 3). Establishment of an independent institution by the Government in which its members consist of the elements of an intelligent public (non-active judges, prosecutors and police on active) which aims to oversee the enforcement of law (law enforcemen ') in which the agency recommends that the authorities will give sanctions for law enforcement officers who violate the laws of morality and / or violate the law enforcement process (see: Article 9 paragraph (1 and 2) Act No.4 of 2004 on Judicial Power, Article 17 of Jo's art. 3 paragraph (2 and 3) Jo. Psl.18 paragraph (1 and 4) of Law No.39 of 1999 on Human Rights (Human Rights);

4) Keep doing standardization and additional provision of adequate welfare especially for Law Enforcement on the payroll are: Judges, Prosecutors and Police (Non-Advocate) for their professionalism as part of the largest law enforcement in Indonesia is expected to focus more on enforcing the law according to the purpose of the law itself; . 5) The conduct of the socialization of law and legislation intensively to the public as a consequence of the legal principle which says that: "every society is considered to know the law", although products such laws recently passed and promulgated and published in the State. Here the role of Legal Aid or LBH-LBH and NGOs or similar institution is needed, especially in doing "advocacy" to the laws and regulations can be completely socialized and obeyed by all the components that exist in this country for the achievement of objectives the law itself;. 6) Build a determination (commitment) together in the enforcement of law ('law enforcement') are consistent. This commitment is expected to be born primarily initiated and initiated by the "House of Chess" Law Enforcement or 4 elements, namely: Judge, Advocate, Attorney and the police, then that commitment can be followed also by the whole society;

But the measures suggested above to build an accountable law enforcement system certainly can not run smoothly without the full backing of the Government of clean ('clean government'), because enforcement of the law ('law enforcement') is part of the legal system of government. State government ('lapuissance de executrice') should guarantee the independence of law enforcement institutions are subordinate in this institution "Attorney" and "police" because the real guarantee of law enforcement institutions is a political platform of the government law that seeks mengkondisi-behavioral procedures in the life of Indonesian society nation and state to governance-society behavior supports the achievement of the ideals of the nation's premises which is the destination country Indonesia, be it the state's goals and objectives into the country out there as mandated in the Preamble to the Constitution or NRI on at paragraph IV, which in essence is: 1.Melindungi whole Indonesian nation and the entire homeland of Indonesia; 2. Advance the general welfare; 3. Intellectual life of the nation; and 4. Participate in the establishment of world order based on freedom, abiding peace and social justice;

Accountable law enforcement is the basis and proof that Indonesia is really a State Law ('rechtsstaat'). People should be informed of the criteria / measures which form the basis for assessing the accountability of law enforcement accountable. Therefore, in establishing an accountable system of law enforcement needs to have socialization-education law and legal education on an ongoing basis to communities that are accountable law enforcement can be realized by law enforcement together with the community.