Mark and Mafia Courts

Mark and Mafia Courts
Case realtor (Mark) here is more meant, anyone who tries and attempting to influence law enforcement who was handling a case, so the legal process benefit certain people with certain benefits in the form of giving bribes, so that his actions are very detrimental to those seeking justice are supposed to receive justice, or to sacrifice innocent people as casualties of the law. Markus therefore this becomes a very promising jobs fortune.

Mark, in principle, ordinary people who are not committed by law enforcement, who claim to have a good relationship and have access to the official who is handling a particular case with a promise to weigh, as follows: 1) Can remove the suspect from custody; 2) Can not get to muffle his case Court; 3) Can be snared mengkondisi of articles that weight should be made to the article to light the alleged suspects; 4) Mensplit case then released from the back door; 5) Lighten the demands (requisitoir); 6) Relieve the decision; 7) If you already detained and had to go to court, then mengkondisi BAP and witnesses so as not proven, and can be prosecuted for free; 8) Mengupayakankan special facilities in the crease; Etc..

In general, "Mark" can also be done by law enforcement itself, either directly or indirectly by using other people as intermediaries created by itself. Judicial Mafia being here is more aimed at the practice of law, where law enforcement system and culture run by the Law Enforcement, providing opportunities for abused, which is implicitly the "law and justice" has turned into a commodity that can be traded, depending on who order it. Law and justice can be bought by those people with money, so he became an expensive item in this country.

As for the realtor cases (Mark) with Mafia justice are two things that synergize or need each other, sometimes even in practice can not be separated. Judicial Mafia spectrum is much broader than Case broker. Law Enforcement in this country as compared to uphold the wet yarn in other words, the word "difficult and hard to be expected". One of the indicators that make law enforcement in Indonesia is rampant "culture of corruption" that occurs in almost all the bureaucracy and social stratification, so that has made the efforts of law enforcement and eradication of corruption, both Mark and mob justice was limited to rhetoric that contains sloganitas of empty speeches mere. Even in fact there is no doubt more and more laws are born then it is directly proportional to the more tradable commodity. Ironically not a few parts of our own society who are forced to buy it. Here the tanpak that justice and legal certainty can not be given away for free to someone if at the same time there are others who offered. This fact is clear to us the laws in this country would "never" siding with those who are weak and poor. "Once again'll never ...! "

Sarkatisme satirical nature says, "give me a good judge, the prosecutor is good, a good cop with the laws that are less good though, I achieved results that would definitely be better than the best laws that ever existed in this country". But it seems the law enforcement, politicians, officials and certain Characters in our society will not have time and space to the liver can mengubris any form of satire to question the existence of jobs and their responsibilities to the public. Better Thick-skinned and have no sense of shame, from the public satire menggubris would reduce their fortune.

Poor performance of the Law Enforcement and poor supervision systems that exist in the law enforcement process, has given rise to stigmatization of judicial mafia and mafia law cases including a broker (Mark) in Indonesia. The fact is if we trace its existence was rooted in the mentality of our culture as a nation. So what is called the "Mark" and "judicial mafia" perpetual existence tends to be a virus because he had been entrenched in the mentality of law enforcement in this country.

Therefore talking about Law Enforcement in Indonesia can not simply dismiss the judge, dismissed the prosecutors and police who fired the corrupt, but improvements must be initiated with the construction of cultural development approach to education with our mentality as a nation and make the moral force that is based on Faith and Taqwa to God the Almighty, as basic to cultural attitudes and behavior establishment of law enforcement in Indonesia. Without it, everything becomes a mere utopia!