State vs. Subsidy Program Objectives

State vs. Subsidy Program Objectives
One of the "objectives of the Indonesian state into the (internal)" contained in paragraph IV-opening of the 1945 Constitution, which reads, "promote the general welfare ... If it is connected with the provisions of Article 33 paragraph (2) and (3) of the 1945 Constitution which confirms the mastery of Natural Resources (SDA) in Indonesia by the state monopoly is clearly a form of state / government of the natural riches that exist in Indonesia.

So on this basis the existence of the program "SUBSIDY" for people's basic needs is clearly a logical consequence of a monopoly of Natural Resources is the state. If the subsidy to the basic needs of the people without exception be abolished / eliminated, then it is a betrayal of our country's goal of "promoting the general welfare."

Any questions, whether people should be given and relied on government subsidies?

To this question is of course people should not be dependent on government subsidies, but regardless of the ideals the "subsidy" from the government for whatever reason should not be removed / eliminated, because, as mentioned above is a consequence of the state monopoly over natural resources.

You can imagine if people are given the right from the beginning of independence of Indonesia to be authorized or controlled management of natural resources since the days of the Old Order (Orla), the New Order era (New Order) until now, people would have sufficient time to take advantage of the opportunity to develop natural resources in the field of community economic and his fate would not have sunk, as now, people who experience absolute poverty is likely to be poor.

Another purpose of the state which is also listed in the 1945 opening of aline IV is "the intellectual life of the nation" is a form of government responsibility in the improvement of human resources (HR), so that people can improve their own well-being which in turn does not always depend on the subsidies granted by government , although such subsidies must still be given, but people certainly will not mind the set of subsidies toward a more demanding target.

In this era of globalization that emphasize the life of a market economy where growth and economic welfare of the people is left entirely to free market mechanisms, the situation is clearly the nation / people of Indonesia have not been ready to follow it up because in addition to the SDA Indonesia was already largely controlled by the kavitalis (investors) and most of the branches of production that dominate the life of the people is also controlled by foreigners, so it becomes more difficult for the government to restore the position of the current direction as is referred to in Article 33 paragraph (2) which reads, "the branches production is important for the country and who dominate the life of the people controlled by the state ".

And related subsidy programs to the people's basic needs including fuel to be supplied to the people always will be disturbed, because the government revenues in addition to relying on market economy and taxes associated with the kinds of taxes collected directly from the people and also comes from the profits of the company's vital whose number can be said no longer significant because state revenues in this sector are few, and is due to important companies in Indonesia are mostly owned by foreign ownership or foreign investors.

In conclusion the government subsidy to the people always will be disturbed and government policies that always seeks to reduce and eliminate subsidies clearly contrary to the objectives of the state into as mentioned in para-IV in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution.